Thursday, February 08, 2007

Dishcloth KAL

I was looking for some small projects to work on while I recuperate from my CI surgery and joined a monthly dishcloth group online at yahoogroups. They have KALs (Knit A Longs) and make two dishcloths a month. I made my first dishcloth with the red yarn that I'm using for my Irish Hiking Scarf. The edges on the side curled under but I haven't blocked it yet. This is how it came out:

I also made another one with Peaches & Cream variegated yarn and this is how it looks. I added some extra stitches on the side to keep it from curling under. It is hard to see the hearts on this one.

I sent my 23 year old son, Chris, to Walmart to get some more yarn for me. Here's what he got. Not bad at all, huh?


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